
Integration with Blackboard LMS

  • Blackboard Learn is a leading Learning Management System (LMS) that has been at the forefront of digital education for over two decades. Trusted by thousands of institutions worldwide, Blackboard offers a comprehensive suite of tools designed to enhance the teaching and learning experience in both academic and corporate environments.

    Key features of Blackboard include:

    1. Intuitive Course Management: Easily create, organize, and deliver course content.

    2. Robust Assessment Tools: Design and conduct various types of assessments, from quizzes to complex exams.

    3. Collaborative Learning: Foster student engagement through discussion boards, group projects, and virtual classrooms.

    4. Personalized Learning Paths: Tailor the learning experience to individual student needs and progress.

    5. Advanced Analytics: Gain insights into student performance and course effectiveness with detailed reporting.

    6. Integration Capabilities: Seamlessly connect with a wide range of third-party educational tools and content providers.

    With its focus on innovation, scalability, and user-centered design, Blackboard continues to evolve, meeting the changing needs of modern education and training. By integrating ProctorEdu with Blackboard, we ensure that institutions can maintain academic integrity in online assessments while leveraging the powerful features of this widely-adopted LMS.

ProctorEdu Can Cover all Your Needs

Exclusive exam integrity features of proctoring software have been proven to be helpful at any type of the Corporate Online Assessment or Higher Education Exams.

  • Exams Anywhere, Anytime
    Obtainable at any time with no scheduling. Thus, both educators and students can manage their time schedules more efficiently.
  • Zero Stress Proctoring
    Support is dedicated to help you through integration process, paying extra attention to data security and smooth scenarios.
  • Available Worldwide
    ProctorEdu supports Spanish, French, Arabic, Dutch, Greek, Turkish, Chinese, Portuguese, Latvian and Hebrew with more languages being added regularly.
  • Scalability
    99.95% of sessions with no downtime. Automated Proctoring allows us to accommodate your institution's requirements, irrespective of its size or where it is based.

Proctored Exams a Few Clicks Away!

What makes ProctorEdu unique

Online proctoring service with user-experience in mind.
Customized Experience
With both AI and live proctoring options we align to specific needs of Higher Education and Corporate domains.
Zero Stress
One of our KPIs is the passing rate, which reflects our ongoing efforts to increase the percentage of individuals who take a proctored test without encountering any critical issues. The last time we checked, we achieved an impressive passing rate of 99%.
AI tools detection
To prevent the use of AI extensions such as ChatGPT during online exams, ProctorEdu provides an assortment of proctoring tools.
99.95% of sessions with no downtime. Automated Proctoring allows us to accommodate your institution's requirements, irrespective of its size or where it is based.
Security Matters
Proctor Edu handles data so that neither we nor anyone else can use it to harm the interests and rights of the end-users, such as the right to privacy.
Single Sign On
Allows a user to enter a login credentials one time on a single page to access system. Keeping even more data fully secure.

Instruction for configuring proctoring in Blackboard

  1. LMS configuration

The integration of ProctorEdu's proctoring system with Blackboard LMS is carried out using IMS LTI technology.

1.1. SSL-certificate

A valid SSL certificate is required to be installed on the Blackboard LMS web server for the LMS pages to open over HTTPS. You can check the validity of the certificate on the server using This is a requirement of browser security policy, which prevents access to the camera and microphone over an unsecured HTTP protocol. You can issue a free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate.

1.2. Installing the proctoring code on the web page

In order for Blackboard LMS proctoring to work properly, a page with the proctoring launch code must be placed on the LMS domain. This is necessary to get around the cross-domain policy that prevents Blackboard LMS pages from opening in IFRAME from another domain.
You can use the standard Blackboard LMS tool to upload content to post a code page. The following steps are required:
  1. Login as a Blackboard LMS administrator to "Administrator Panel" → "Content Management" → "Manage Content".
  2. Select the "Institution" collection to download the files.
  3. Create a "proctoring.html" file on the computer with the following content in Unicode encoding (UTF-8):
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
 <script src="//your-proctoring-server/sdk/supervisor.js" data-supervisor="start"></script>
 if (!window.supervisor) {
   location.href = '/';
 } else {
   supervisor.on('load', function(iframe) {
     var input = iframe.contentDocument.querySelector(
     var url = new URL(iframe.src);
     if (input && url) {
       input.value = url.hash.slice(1);
NOTE: your-proctoring-server given as an example, it needs to be replaced with the domain of your proctoring server.

4. Load the file "proctoring.html" into the Blackbord LMS:
5. Save the link to the file, right-click on the file and select "Copy link address" from the menu. The link must be of the form: "https://your-lms-domain/bbcswebdav/institution/proctoring.html". All LMS students should have access rights to the file.

1.3. Enabling the LTI tool

Transferring data from the Blackboard LMS to the proctoring system and transferring the trust score from the proctoring system to the LMS is done according to the LTI standard. It needs to be included in the LMS as follows:
  1. Go under the Blackboard LMS administrator to Administrator Tools > Tools and Utilities > Tools.
  2. Turn LTI (Course Tool) on, off and on again if already on: ON (New and existing courses).

1.4. Adding an LTI provider

Next you need to configure a new LTI provider which will be linked to your proctoring server. To do this you will need to:
  1. Login as a Blackboard LMS administrator to "Administrator Tools" → "Integrations" → "LTI Tool Providers".
  2. Go to the global settings by pressing the "Manage Global Properties" button:
3. Switch on the following options in the "FEATURE AVAILABILITY" block:
Enabled in Courses:
Creation of Tool Provider Links:
Allow only links to approved tool providers
Allow configured tool providers to post grades:

4. Navigate to the new LTI 1.1 provider registration dialogue using the button "Register LTI 1.1 Provider":

5. In the "PROVIDER DOMAIN STATUS" section, enter the domain of your procuring server (Provider Domain):

6. In the "DEFAULT CONFIGURATION" section, fill in the fields "Tool Provider Key" and "Tool Provider Secret", these keys are issued by the proctoring system manager.

7. In the "DEFAULT CONFIGURATION" section, fill in the fields:
Send User Data:
[o] Send user data only over SSL
User Fields to Send:
[v] Role in Course
[v] Name
[v] Email Address

1.5. Adding a placeholder for a tool

In order for course authors to have the opportunity to add a proctoring element to the course, a new placement must be added for the previously created LTI provider.
To do so, follow the steps below:
  1. Go to "Administrator Tools" → "Integrations" → "LTI Tool Providers".
  2. Bring up the drop-down menu next to the name of the previously created LTI provider and select "Manage Placements" from the menu:
3. On the page that opens, click on the "Create Placement" button:
4. The following parameters must be specified in the "Add Placement" interface:
* — your-proctoring-server given as an example, it needs to be replaced with the domain of your proctoring server, and your-lms-domain needs to be replaced by the domain of your Blackboard LMS server (this is the link to the proctoring.html file you saved earlier).
** — the template parameter specifies the template identifier in the proctoring system and the url parameter contains the page to be opened in IFRAME (in the example it is the root page — "/"; the link should not contain equals, they should be replaced by "%3D"). At the end of the page, the password for the test page should be set up after the hash sign.
You can create several placements with different user parameters if required.

2. Proctoring integration

2.1. Adding a proctoring link to the course

For participants to be able to use the proctoring, a link to the proctoring element must be added to the course. This can be done as follows:
  1. Navigate to the "Content" section of the course.
  2. Select a previously created proctoring item from the list "Build Content" → "Proctoring Link":
3. A link to the proctoring will appear in the course content list:
Each link gives the user one proctoring attempt.

2.2. Restrict access to the test without proctoring

You can link a particular proctoring link to a test using a password. To do this, go into the test item settings and enable password protection by specifying the same password as the LTI tool url parameter:
Therefore, the participant will not be able to start the test without proctoring.
You should also place the link to the test item so that the student can open it directly from the portal home page, as the link to the course is blocked in IFRAME due to the way the Blackboard LMS works.

2.3. Getting a proctoring grade

The proctoring system transmits the result of a proctoring session as a confidence score from 0 to 1. If the session is evaluated by the proctor, a positive opinion corresponds to a score of 1, and a negative one to 0. You can enable evaluation of a proctoring item in Blackboard LMS in the following way:
  1. Navigate to edit the proctoring item (drop-down menu next to the item name).
  2. Enable the option "GRADING" → "Enable Evaluation":

2.4. Use of proctoring

The student will now start executing the linked test item on the proctoring procedure when the proctoring item is navigated. The user with the role of "Instructor" will be taken to the proctor interface when the proctor element is clicked, where all the sessions that were created by the students when they clicked the element will be accessed.
When the proctoring session is completed, a proctoring grade of 0 to 1 will be transmitted to the LMS.
Each proctoring session can only be completed once by a student. It is possible to reset the attempt by changing the session ID through the proctoring system administrator interface, or extend the time by specifying a deadline longer than the current time.

3. Setting up the proctoring host

To connect the integration API with Blackboard LMS, you need to load the following config with integration parameters under the proctoring system manager:
 "id": "<Host_ID>",
 "key": "<License_Key>",
 "params": {
   "webhooks": {
     "bb": {
       "authorizer": "lti",
       "integrator": "lti",
       "consumerKey": "demo",
       "consumerSecret": "secret",
       "callbackURL": "query.redirect",
       "profile": {
         "username": "payload.user_id",
         "role": "payload.roles.find(v=>/Instructor/.test(v))?'proctor':'student'",
         "nickname": "payload.lis_person_name_full",
         "lang": "(payload.launch_presentation_locale||'').slice(0,2)",
         "group": "['G',payload.context_id,payload.resource_link_id].join('-')",
         "referrer": "payload.launch_presentation_return_url",
         "labels": "payload.lis_person_contact_email_primary"
       "register": {
         "identifier": "[payload.user_id,payload.context_id,payload.resource_link_id].join('-').replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9_-]+/g,'_')",
         "template": "payload.custom_template||'default'",
         "subject": "payload.resource_link_title",
         "members": "payload.custom_members==='@'?",
         "url": "payload.custom_url||payload.launch_presentation_return_url",
         "tags": "payload.lis_person_contact_email_primary"
       "start": true,
       "stop": true,
       "pause": true,
       "submit": true
   "sdk": {
     "iframe": {
       "sandbox": "allow-scripts allow-forms allow-modals allow-same-origin allow-popups allow-downloads"
NOTE: the fields "consumerKey" and "consumerSecret" need to be replaced with a randomly generated sequence of characters (Latin letters of different case and numbers, the recommended length is 24 characters); "id" is the ID of the host (if you do not specify it, a new host will be created); "key" is the license key of this host
Well done! You've completed the integration process. Your exams are now ready to be proctored efficiently.


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