
Dean - Definition & Meaning

A dean is an administrative position within an educational institution, typically found in colleges or universities. The dean is responsible for overseeing a specific academic division or department and plays a vital role in the management and development of academic programs.

Deans are academic leaders who provide strategic direction and guidance to faculty, staff, and students within their division. They collaborate with faculty to develop and implement curriculum, ensure adherence to academic standards, and promote excellence in teaching and research.

In addition to academic responsibilities, deans often have administrative duties related to budgeting, resource allocation, and personnel management. They work closely with other administrators, such as the university president or provost, to advance the institution's mission and goals.

Deans also serve as advocates for students, addressing their concerns and providing support and resources to facilitate their academic success. They may represent their division or department in university-wide committees, engage in community outreach, and foster collaborations with external partners.

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