Edu Terms Starting With G
Grad school is an informal term commonly used to refer to graduate school or postgraduate education.
GPA stands for Grade Point Average, which is a numerical representation of a student's academic performance in a given period, such as a semester or an entire academic year.
Growth mindset is a term that describes the belief that intelligence and abilities can be developed through hard work, persistence, and dedication.
A graduate degree, also known as a postgraduate degree, is an advanced academic qualification awarded to students who have completed a program of study beyond the undergraduate level.
Gamification is an instructional strategy that incorporates elements of games and game-like experiences into non-game contexts, such as education and workplace training.
General education, often referred to as core curriculum or liberal arts education, is a foundational and broad-based component of higher education that provides students with a well-rounded and diverse range of knowledge and skills.
Grade Point Average (GPA) is a numerical representation of a student's overall academic performance in a specific period, usually one semester or the entire academic year.
The Gann Limit, named after Paul Gann, is a fiscal policy mechanism established in California through Proposition 4, also known as the "Gann Limit" initiative.
A Gifted and Talented Education Program (GATE) is an educational program designed to meet the specific learning needs of students who have been identified as gifted or exceptionally talented in one or more areas.
General Obligation Bonds, often referred to as G.O. Bonds, are a type of municipal bond issued by state or local governments to raise funds for various public projects and initiatives, including those in the field of education.
The Graduation Rate is a metric that measures the percentage of students who successfully complete a specific level of education, such as high school or college, within a specified period.
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