Edu Terms Starting With E
The education system refers to the collection of institutions, policies, and practices that provide formal education to individuals within a society.
Extracurricular activities refer to any structured activities that take place outside of the regular academic curriculum and provide students with opportunities to pursue their interests, develop skills, and engage in various social, physical, or intellectual endeavors.
Educational technology, often referred to as EdTech, encompasses the use of digital tools, resources, and technologies to enhance teaching, learning, and the overall educational experience.

Exam invigilation, also known as exam proctoring, refers to the supervision and monitoring of examinations to ensure their integrity and fairness.
ELL (English Language Learner) students are individuals who are in the process of acquiring proficiency in the English language while also receiving instruction in academic content.
e-Learning, short for electronic learning, refers to the use of digital technologies and the internet to facilitate and enhance the learning process.
Experiential learning is an educational approach that emphasizes learning through direct experience, reflection, and active engagement.
Equity in education refers to the fair and just treatment of all students, regardless of their individual backgrounds, abilities, or circumstances.
An educational institution refers to an organization or establishment dedicated to providing formal instruction and learning experiences to students of various age groups.
Education reform refers to systematic and intentional changes and improvements made to the educational system to address identified challenges, enhance learning outcomes, and promote equitable and effective education for all students.
Evidence-based, in the context of education, refers to practices and decisions that are informed by research, data, and empirical evidence of their effectiveness.
Being enrolled in college means that an individual is officially registered and actively attending classes at a college or university.
An exit exam, also known as a graduation or comprehensive exam, is an assessment administered to students at the end of their academic program to determine whether they have met the required learning outcomes and are eligible for graduation.
In the context of education, encroachment refers to the gradual intrusion of non-educational activities or external factors that impede the proper functioning of educational institutions.
Economically disadvantaged refers to individuals or families with limited financial resources or living below the poverty line. In education, students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds may face challenges such as lack of access to educational resources, healthcare, and stable housing.
An emergency permit, in the context of education, is a temporary teaching license or authorization issued to an individual who does not hold a standard teaching credential but is needed to fill a teaching position in a school or educational institution on short notice.
The Equal Protection Clause is a critical component of the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution.
The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is a federal law in the United States that was originally enacted in 1965 as part of President Lyndon B. Johnson's "War on Poverty."
Expenditures Per Pupil, also known as per-pupil spending or per-student spending, is a financial metric that calculates the average amount of money spent on each student in an educational institution, typically a school district, during a specific fiscal year.
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